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Saleem, Rakhshanda, Ph.D.


Rakhshanda Saleem is an Associate Professor in the Graduate School of Counseling and Psychology at Lesley University in Cambridge, MA. She is a licensed psychologist with a specialization in neuropsychology. Her teaching and scholarship is guided by the philosophy of critical pedagogy and its transformative role in creating a just society. She brings a transnational and feminist activist perspective to her work, focusing on the intersectional issues that impact marginalized and dispossessed communities. As the chair of APA’s Division 35’s (Society for the Psychology of Women) task force, she is committed to developing a nuanced and transnational response and solidarity with communities impacted by the the history of colonialism and current imperialistic agenda resulting in creating reductive stereotypes and essentialized cultural narratives diminishing the diversity and complexity of ethnic and cultural contexts that underlie their lives.